Logto Cloud 允許多個應用程式在單一租戶下運行。這在構建多應用程式業務和產品時為你們提供了極大的靈活性,並置於一個集中式身份系統中。
在多應用程式業務中,他們通常希望擁有統一品牌體驗,從而讓用戶感受到一致和連貫。解決方案在於 Logto 的全渠道登錄體驗。
無論用戶是通過哪個應用程式註冊的,Logto 都會將他們匯總到一個用戶池中,讓你們能輕鬆管理多個應用程式中的用戶。
在多應用程式環境中,授權政策通常變得更加複雜。因此,結合 RBAC(基於角色的訪問控制)變得必要。為每個用戶分配角色,可實現精確的訪問控制,確保用戶具有適當的許可級別。
Why you need a centralized identity system for a multi-app businessThis article is here to help you develop a secure and scalable identity system for your multi-app business. We will cover best practices, key factors to consider, and provide quick-start guides to get you started on the right track.CIAM 101: Authentication, Identity, SSOLogto started with the CIAM for various reasons (we’ll have another article talking about this). During development, we realized that building a unified understanding across the team would be beneficial before taking our product to the next level. We hope this will also help you gain a better grasp of the IAM landscape.Logto's multi-tenancy model explainedTake a look at how we designed Logto's multi-tenancy model and the benefits it brings to SaaS apps.