Logto Cloud 允许多个应用在单个租户下运行。这为在一个集中身份系统中构建多应用业务和产品提供了很大的灵活性。
对于多应用业务,统一和一致的登录体验通常是首要任务。Logto 的统一登陆体验使之成为可能,同时也允许应用级别的品牌定制。
有多个跨不同域的产品?告别重复的工作——一个登录 URL 覆盖它们所有!
无论用户从哪个应用程序注册,Logto 都将它们整合到单一用户池中,使跨多个应用程序的用户管理变得非常简单。
在多应用环境中,授权策略通常会变得更加复杂。因此,配对 RBAC (基于角色的访问控制)变得必不可少。为每位用户分配角色可实现精确的访问控制,确保用户拥有适当级别的权限。
Why you need a centralized identity system for a multi-app businessThis article is here to help you develop a secure and scalable identity system for your multi-app business. We will cover best practices, key factors to consider, and provide quick-start guides to get you started on the right track.
CIAM 101: Authentication, Identity, SSOLogto started with the CIAM for various reasons (we’ll have another article talking about this). During development, we realized that building a unified understanding across the team would be beneficial before taking our product to the next level. We hope this will also help you gain a better grasp of the IAM landscape.
Logto's multi-tenancy model explainedTake a look at how we designed Logto's multi-tenancy model and the benefits it brings to SaaS apps.