Make your product enterprise ready

From the very beginning, focus on developing must-have features and start selling to large business clients immediately to broaden your market presence.


Make your product enterprise-ready, regardless your go-to-market strategy

Enterprise buyer has higher retention rate

  • Enterprises take longer to choose, leading to a stronger commitment
  • Customization for enterprise creates dependency
  • High financial and time investments discourage switching

Enterprise readiness means reliable maturity

  • Indicates that product meets enterprise higher standards
  • Indicates product’s level of operational stability
  • Deepen your relationships for the long haul and build brand credibility with world-class customers

Identity is essential to enterprise buyers

  • Security is paramount. Identity management is far beyond the basic authentication, authorization
  • Identity layer is the foundation. Lots of things were built on top of that
  • Identity plays a significant role in complying with various data protection regulations.

Get enterprise ready earlier and earlier

  • Enterprise sales holds a big portion of revenue, which is the best way to make your business sustainable.
  • Having different strategies to different segments is the right approach to product-led-growth companies
  • Build enterprise-grade features into their products from an early stage helps in the long run and possible

Quick integration checklist for enterprise-readiness

Logto offers a suite of features that enable immediate sales to enterprise clients, unlocking your revenue potential.


Enterprise Single Sign-On

Logto support comprehensive SSO solution to easily meet your biggest customers' identity system needs. It offers secure connections to various identity providers via SAML or OIDC protocols, the simplest configuration process, and a smooth sign-on client experience.


    Role-based access control

    Today, RBAC is the minimum level of control that most enterprises will require. As a comprehensive identity management platform, Logto offers tailored solutions for various layers and entities, catering to developers and business for diverse product architectures.


      Multi-factor authentication

      Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) aligns with enterprise security policies by validating that the owner of an account (or set of credentials) is actually the one trying to access the application. Nearly half of businesses use MFA to secure company data and assets.


        Organization and collaboration

        Apps that don’t have team functionality often require password sharing for multiple users to access the account, which is an obvious security hurdle for most business users. Using "Organization" to group users is also the foundation layer of building a multi-tenant app.


          Audit logs

          Audit logs are the centralized stream of all user activity within a team. Part of the security and compliance program of any large enterprise is designed to control and monitor the access of information within the organization. This drives the need for enterprise buyers to ask for a detailed audit trail of all activity that happens within their account.


            Standards are deal makers

            Logto meticulously adheres to the battle-tested open standard known as OpenID Connect, built on OAuth 2.0. This protocol provides a solid foundation for our services, offering both flexibility and scalability. We also support SAML to meet enterprise-wide needs.

              Easily manage your identity across apps with Logto